Last week we stopped till the story of Sagara and his 60000 sons. It was said that Sahara desert was a sea earlier. Sri Periyava says, this Saagara would have been changed into Sahara in due course of time.
Historian say, during historical Period, which dates back to approximately 2000 to 3000 years ago, the Indians went to other countries and spread Hindu religion. But, 4000 years ago and even before that, we can find connections with our religion. That is, before new civilizations started coming in other countries, we can find relations with our religion. Only after this, other tribal religions started coming up. We have many evidences for this. In Greece, there was a religion. In this religion, many big temples were built for the gods and that too, there were many relations with our Vedas. The period before Christ, consisted of many religions. Of these, Semitic and Hebrew religions were related to our Veda - with Varnashrama division. In Mexico, every tribal community had 1 separate religion. As said in the Vedas, they worshipped every part of nature as their God and in these religions, there were many rituals.
Till Japan and few other countries in central and east Asia, Buddhism has spread. Few other countries follow Islam. Only in South Africa, they have a separate religion and that too only in tribal places and are followed by tribes. These religions have relation with our Vedas.
We would have heard the story of Adam and Eve in Hebrew religion. There was a tree called Tree of Knowledge. The fruit from this tree shouldn't be eaten as per God's order. Adam left without eating but Eve ate the apple from this tree. Then, Adam thought that whatever happens to her would happen to him and so he ate the fruit. This story is from Bible.
What does Upanishad tell? "There are 2 birds in Peepal tree. One bird eats the fruit while another doesn't eat it. Our body is this tree. The bird that ate the fruit is Jivatma, which enjoys the Samsara Sagaram while another bird is Paramatma. This Paramatma only makes everyone do everything, but it doesn't enjoy anything. Paramatma is just watching the actions of Jivatma. Even though it makes Jivatma eat the fruit, it doesn't eat, enjoy its Karma Phala". Upanishads explain this with the help of this story which consists of 2 birds.
This Jiv had changed into Eve, while Atma became Adam. Peepal had become apple. Peepal tree is also called Bodhi tree which means 'knowledge'. Bodhi tree mentioned in Upanishad is Tree of Knowledge in Bible. But, over time, inherent meaning itself has changed and it says Adam(Paramatma) also enjoys the fruit.
Maha Periyava cites one more example to prove the existence of relation to our Sanathana Dharma in other countries. We have Thiruppavai and Thiruvempavai. Thiruppavai was composed by Andal while Thiruvempavai was composed by Manikkavasakar. They were not living during Purana time. They belonged to the Kali Yuga. After time of these 2 devotees, kingdoms from India had gone to other places and established their rule. Even, kings of Chola dynasty had expanded their kingdoms across the sea. But, more than this, maritime trade was important. In business, foreign contact became very advanced. People from foreign countries became influenced by our religion through businessmen and women. Countries like Bali became full of Hinduism. Few other countries like Cambodia, Thailand and the whole of Indo-China and even Manila in Philippines started following Hinduism. We call this Sri Vijaya Samrajyam.
Thiruppavai and Thiruvempavai had spread till Thailand. During Margazhi month, that is the month we read these Stotras, they celebrate a festival. In this festival, Dolotsavam(swinging) is performed for a Siamese who would be disguised as Lord Shiva. Even though they don't know these Stotras, they have named this festivals Triyempavai-Tripavai just as Christians doesn't know the Upanishads, but they know the story from Upanishad through Bible.